Stop in for a cup of coffee

They have finally diagnosed Karl. After what? Almost a week? He has RSV. You can read about it here: Learn about Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV).

My sister's a nurse and says she's only seen it in small children and babies, but that site says it can be serious in older adults.

Hopefully giving it a name will lead to some solutions for him. Learn about RSV in older adults with chronic medical conditions.

Hang tough there @krazykuda

Thanks Rob

I'm out of the hospital!!!

I can finish healing at home, but must take it easy for a while and keep on my meds...

Good news is I passed the heart echo gram test with flying colors... Valves are working fine and blood flow is above normal (about 12% to 15% above average)...

Now I have to get this lung infection healed and then get to the lung doctor to run tests on my lungs... They can't run them now with the infection as it will affect the results... They say it should take about 5 - 6 weeks for my lungs to clear enough to take the tests...

Thanks for passing the information along Rob... :thankyou: