Stop in for a cup of coffee

It did have a pretty sound. It was two into one. Even better.
I started with a 2 into 1 open megaphone set I got for peanuts at the swap meet. It sounded good, the people in the next county told me so "Hey you! :icon_fU: " :lol: Didn't really like the look or the fit on the bike, so I took the collector and meg off and kicked it over,.Oh! That's IT! That's the sound I want! With the addition of some tubing to improve the fit and some compact aftermarket dirt bike mufflers, it turned out well. I rode it up PCH to a car show they were having right next to the beach, Avila Beach, 15 miles from nuclear annihilation at Diablo Canyon Nuke Plant :lol:. On the way back on PCH, the CHP has a sobriety checkpoint set up :eek: Here I am on this outlaw lookin' Street Tracker :BangHead: I'm screwed. Get up to the inspection point and reachin' for my wallet the patrolman says "Nice bike :) Now get the hell out of here." :wtf: I didn't argue :rofl: