Wife / Girlfriend rage

Why wouldn't she just leave?

That's what I don't get.

I love CU, but I HATE that song, because.....why not just find someone that doesn't cheat?

Because women love assholes, they (not all of course but most lately) have mental/emotional baggage from lack of a positive male figure growing up ("daddy issues") and for some reason they want a "bad boy" who they think they can change. Really strange mindset, I'm still trying to figure it out myself. Not uncommon at all to hear "I wasn't into him he was too nice" ?????? Yeah good luck turning an insecure man-***** who treats you like dirt into someone with integrity and accountability, as if you'd know what that even is in the first place!

Follow your gut and take red flags seriously. I was fooled into a greencard marriage myself with a total selfish b!tch just because she had a pretty face and big boobs, thankfully my family (God bless them!) helped me see the light and I got out of it before she got her citizenship. Can't even count how many hard lessons I learned from that experience lol. I've always been more of an *** man anyway, what was I thinking? :rofl:

IMO the current situation for younger people under about 40 all comes down to bad parenting and lack of positive father figures, both for boys and girls. But society doesn't want men to be strong and protective anymore even though modern psychology proves that it's crucial and women do in fact need that on the most basic level no matter how much they try to deny it.