Buying a car without a title, but how do I get one?

Well, I'd like to thank everybody for their help, but I no longer need help. I was set to go down and pick up the car tomorrow, and then noticed that the listing had been marked as sold. I contacted the guy to thank him for marking it sold and I would see him tomorrow, and he informed me that he had already sold it to somebody who just walked up. Everything had been negotiated and I had already rented the hauler and was set to go and he pulled this little piece of joy. All is well though, I'm picking up a different one tomorrow that's in better shape so in the end it worked out better for me. It's still a crappy way to do business.

Thanks again folks!

Probably for the best!

I'll bet the buyer did not due his due dilligance like you did and will end up with a registration nightmare.

No paper trail, no registration.