Wife / Girlfriend rage

I got her sister pregnant...
Just kidding.. we're not married, but have lived together for 12 years.. This isn't the first time, and I don't necessarily think she targeted the car, but she has mentioned that I care more for the car than her...which is completely nuts.. If I did, the car would have been finished a long time ago...

Don't fall for the fallacy of sunk costs.

Ask her if she wants to enjoy her old age eating Ben and Jerry's, and drinking box wine with a blanket of cats as her only company as she spends the years from 40-87 wondering where all the good men went while she watches Pretty Woman and Sex in the City over and over. Remember that seven more years women get is tacked on at the end of life when body parts are wearing out and hurting.

Have her watch this entire video. It starts off with some basic economics.