Controlling overdrive transmission

Changing 904/727 to A500/A518 I'm investigating the subtleties of controlling overdrive and lockup when gently accelerating on the freeway.

Both the PATC kit and the delay relays option drop overdrive and lockup together when the throttle is opened. I'm wondering if the TC lockup and OD are equally fragile and if it would make for a smoother drive if they were controlled independently - perhaps using vacuum for the lockup and throttle position switch for the overdrive.

Can anyone tell me what happens on a factory car with overdrive and lockup when the throttle is eased open when cruising at 60 to 70mph? how much does the pedal go down before LU and OD switch out? Do they go together? If not, which goes first and how much more pedal is required for the second change?
The governor in the trans varies the pressure and is directly related to the speed of the car.
I plumbed a cooler line from the governor port up to the back of the intake where I mounted two adjustable pressure switches from Nitrous Express.

Those two switches (one for OD and one for Lockup) activate relays, which in turn activate OD and Lockup at whatever speed I set them for.
On the back of the intake makes it easy to change engagement speeds with an Allen wrench.
Then I added two rocker switched inside the cabin to enable or disable the relays.
With both switches inside in the “auto” position, overdrive and lockup engage and disengage at whatever speed I set them for completely automatically.
As those pressure switches are set right now my car goes into OD at 50mph and lockup at 70mph.

I used an adjustable vacuum operated switch for kickdown.
When manifold vacuum drops to your set level, the vacuum switch breaks the ground for the lockup relay causing lockup to disengage.

I can turn off either or both switches inside the car and it will only shift 123.
One thing to note is that OD will ONLY engage once the trans is already in 3rd, as OD uses the hydraulic circuit of 3rd to engage.

I found that the vacuum kickdown stuff really isn’t needed.
The trans drops out of lockup once below 70 and OD once below 50 all automatically.
If I ever need to stand on it that hard I just turn the switch inside the car off.
I run 3.55 rear gears, so if I’m doing 80mph I really don’t need to drop to third anyway.
Passing in OD and or lockup is not a problem anyway.:D

Or, just buy an expensive controller.

