So it begins, '71 Duster 340 TX9

Doing some more cleaning, I found the mummified rat's nest (backseat back), a broadcast sheet for the '73 the seats came from, a bottle of Molson's beer in the heater box, and 70's whacking material between the rear seats. The mag and broadcast sheet were really brittle from dry rot. I was careful with the sheet (check Found sub/forum for pics). No the mag didn't survive. I haven't decided on what to do with the beer yet. Open to suggestions, reasonable suggestions.

I crawled under the car to hit some nuts/bolts with pen oil and found the rear shocks are KMart air shocks. I hit them with some air and it jacked up the back a good inch and a half. The CT owner was a huge KMart fan. Kraco stereo/cassette, 3 pairs of speakers, and the rear shocks all from KMart.

Any guesses on what might be found next?
