Wife / Girlfriend rage

Seven pages, to each his own and if you have whats important to you in a wife/lady friend, good for you.
Someone said to me today at a cruise in when we were talking that my wife and I must have done something right to make it to year 48 of married life.....I told him I don't honestly know and I dont, never thought much about it...Maybe it was just luck or maybe I swore that no other man would be in my children's life, maybe we both were so behind the eight ball that we had to get past whatever the problem was but thinking about it maybe it was unselfish commitment to each other and our children.
I never even considered for a second being with a woman who was into sharing my hobbies. Wasn't a issue because I had neither the time or money for a hobby until recently....What was always and still the issue, is knowing I have a partner in life who always has my back, who I can trust with every cent I have, who took care of my kids while I was at work, who cooked cleaned and who put everything and everybody ahead of herself
While most trashed the OP's girlfriend, I actually feel sorry for her, not condoning damaging others property but why or what drove her to do this.
Very honestly I would have never posted this, never put it out there to give complete strangers the opportunity to talk the lousy way they did about someone I claimed to be in love with
But thats just me and thats the social media world we live in