Wife / Girlfriend rage

I've been married twice. My first wife was ok until our 1st and only kid came and then she turned into Godzilla! Back then hardly anyone knew what postpartum depression was. My second wife and I were married for 31 years when she decided to move on and I'm glad she did. Took me awhile to get back into the hang of being single again but I had some practice before I got married the 1st time so it didn't take too long. Moved out when I was 18 and got married at 28 so I knew how things were going to be....only different since I was 66 now after #2 left. I left the 1st one but maybe things would have been better putting up with her crap? She still is somewhat batsheet crazy though so probably not a good idea. Lots of lonely old women out there too but all I know is I'm not having to put up with their crap and most of them have plenty of that!

You got that right!!! I would have been MUCH better off never getting married the first time.....but my first wife's dad did help me land a good job. He was the only person I knew that worked there and years later I found out that he put in a good word for me. My biggest mistake was getting remarried after we broke up. Funny thing is we still talk to each other whereas my most recent X.....NOPE! :D We've said very little to each other in the last 5 years and I'm good with that.
Made you a stronger man.