The end is near...

Your rules, not mine.

You probably could, but so far the best 1/4" mile time I've see posted was a 10.46 or something. As someone else said on here, go do it.

Tripped over those yesterday. Wasn't even looking.

Funny thing is, those are on Moparts. I've kind of walked away from there due to some drama I heard about and I liked it here more anyway. Starting to think they might be more open minded than here. They were able to discuss it like adults, even Rat Bastid/YR/MadScientist was able to make his point without acting like he is god.

Never said I was god, not do I think I’m god. What I do know and what I do think is that I’ve been at this a looooooooong time. I’m betting I’ve seen, done and broken **** you can’t imagine. That’s one of the few benefits of getting old.

This industry will eat you up. It’s worse now than it’s ever been, and that’s largely due to the internet. It used to be we only had to deal with magazine nonsense. That has expanded to anyone with a computer.

One of the most eye opening, shocking events in my career was when I bought my flow bench. It took just a few weeks of testing anything I could find that proved 98.5% of what’s been published on flow benches, flow bench testing and what makes horsepower is 100% BULLshit. There is no way to say it other than that.

To this very day, this very minute you’ll find people who live and die by flow numbers. I can tell you that is low, in fact very low on what makes horsepower. And yet it never dies. I’ve almost given up trying to educate people on proper testing and what matters. Too many are brainwashed and they won’t listen. The broad way is far easier and they are happy there.

We are in the year 2023 (real racers and engine builders know exactly what I mean) and it is STILL in vogue to say “we don‘t race dyno’s” and “no two dyno’s read the same”. That same thing is said about flow bench’s too. Both are horseshit. But the anti-dyno crowd will never retreat.

It doesn’t matter what they don’t learn by not testing. It doesn’t matter to them that they have no idea what they really make for power and what RPM they make it at.

They rather rely on times slips. Of course that is fraught with error. Most guys don’t have a clue what their **** weighs. I can walk up to a car at the track and spend 5 minutes looking over the chassis and I can tell you if the chassis is correct or not. Most aren’t. That’s not bragging. That is decades of doing this **** at the track.

I could go on but thats enough. I don’t think I’m better than anyone else. I’m a realist. I know what I know. And I try to pay that forward because I’ve had the best mentors a guy can ask for. But it largely falls on deaf ears because the message isn’t sugar sweet.

I don’t have time to play with people who are so soft that I have to talk to them like they are 5 years old.