Rallye wheel accessories

Okay, just took delivery of my new Rallye's. They are 15's with Large bolt pattern. And now the fun begins...
1. I need trim rings. 2 different size wheels, 7's and 8's. I REALLY would prefer brushed. Does anybody have knowledge on where to find some AND if polished are easiest to find, HAS ANYONE EVER DARED TO TRY BRUSHING THEM THEMSELVES? Yeah, I know it may be a reach.
2. Center caps, I need the later "acorn" style (which I find the description odd, because I think the earlier ones more resemble and acorn) and was wondering where I could find them reasonably priced. Not crazy about the idea of the later ones with plugs.
3. Probably the easiest query, I need lugs; input on original style, price and quality.
Thanks gents and any ladies that may be out there...
Where did you get your wheels? They should have what you need. Summit may be able to help or for sure Classic Industries.