Trunk gap problem after new 1/4's

Was it actually done AT AMD in Georgia?

AMD actually doing the job versus one of their "installation centers" is two different things. I think I'd also be on the phone with AMD letting them know what a crappy job one of their approved installation centers did. I'm sure they'll be very interested in that. That's a direct reflection on them. I'd be sending them all kind of pictures as well. They're good folks to deal with and you want them in your corner.

This x1,000

Based on the description it sounds like not nearly enough fitting was done prior to finish welding. That’s totally on the shop, especially if they’re an AMD install location. No replacement panels just slide right on to a 50 year old car and land in the perfect spot. Between the factory tolerances, 50 years out in the world and production tolerances on the replacement parts it takes some fitting to get things right.