Trouble Breathing - Shortness of Breath - COVID

I was finally starting to get better from the first bout of Pneumonia by June/July after taking the quercetin for a few months, then caught Covid again and went back to square one this August/October... then the second pneumonia (RSV) after...

I just got out of the hospital tonight after being in for almost a week now... They found I had an artery with 80% blockage also and had to put two stints in my "widow maker" artery yesterday... I've passed all of the heart tests for the last year and a half, then they caught this one after a week in the hospital with the last heart test which was a chemical heart stress test...

I had the chemical stress test a year and a half ago and it didn't show up then...
Oh my God my brother the only reason I hit like is because you're out of the hospital and they caught that crap I do not like what you went through! And maybe facing!