Crime and cost of living in your area.

FBI crime stats are tied to police reporting of crime...

Back in 1994 I was driving on the cross town freeway in Stockton Ca... Minding my own business doing 70 MPH... A bullet came through my windshield & exited the drivers door window.... Scared the crap outta me.. I hit the next offramp & returned to my work.. Called the cops expecting them to actually care... Nope... Wouldn't come out and take a report... 911 operator flat out explained to me "No chance of solving it so it negatively effects the crime statistics..."

Good Luck in your quest, good looking family, I wish you the best...
Yeah, Stockton is definitely worth avoiding for the most part. Thank you, it was a bummer to move all the way up here just to have the wife tell me she doesn’t feel safe. Priority #1 is going somewhere she does feel safe when our lease is up in march.