F bodies

My opinion is most ALL project cars are overpriced. But good project cars of any flavor are getting harder to find. Most what is out there is partially parted out junk. But who wants to give $3-4-5000 for a poor project, spend umteen thousand $$$$ and you do ALL the work, and have a driver worth $5000 when all aid and done.
In the last few weeks I have seen a couple of Duster projects priced fair for what they are, but 2 states away and sell quick. The junk takes for ever to sell if ever.

I agree the F bodies are great cars to get into on the cheap, and yes all engines will go in easily. I see the F body as the last of the 2 door Mopars that can be built on the cheap, take any BB, drive and stop good, look cool too.

Dual exhausts can be done by movingthe gas tankover.
The rubber insolators can be dithed foraftermarket metal ones.
There are a couple of very active FMjbody sites on the much hated FaceBook. But grat guys for tlk and used parts and knowledge. I miss that RR I did. Come to think, I got $4500 whopping dollars. It probably would have sold in a week back east for $7-8000.

There are the guys back in Oh. and around there that have parted out dozens of them...because the frame rots out and it is too much work to build one like that. Fenders and hoods rusted bad in the 76-7 cars. They will build something like a T top SuperCoupe though.

I have not seen a decent F body project around Tx in qute a while. If cheap enough, it is in poor shape and nothing special. I see cheap ones in Ok and Mo. occasionally.