LONG covid? COVID Pneumonia?

it was people taking the animal version of the drug they were worried about.

There are vast quantities in most countries that farm cattle sheep etc and breed horses , all of which need treatment for parasitic infestations such as lice and worms.... humans shouldn't take the animal version. the dosage is all wrong, few of us have the body mass of a heffer or a horse, and how do you know the storage and processing of it was sanitary enough for human consumption. a certain ex president said it was good, but he also thought bleach on the inside of the body would be an idea that should be looked at..... He's not a Dr. and neither am I, but i know thats not a good idea and he seemed to imply that it might be.

Dunno if the human variant of the drug is effective against covid as its a virus, and this is not an anti viral drug, so its not working agianst covid, but i dare say it may be effective againts something, or has a placebo effect.... and that ultimately makes you feel better when you have covid, but i'm not aware of its approved use for covid anywhere, it kills paraistes , it doesn't get into cells making covid virus and shut them down.

i also do not agree with the idea that you are more likley to get covid if you have a vaccine.
you are likley to get covid anyway, just by being alive today vaccine or not, there aint no avoiding it, thats what a pandemic is.....
and when you get it, it will be a version that wasn't included in the vaccine ,all of which were based on the version of covid from 2019, so little protection againts catching new versions. so all are likley to get it.
BUT It obvioulsy provides some protection against dieing from it, becasue cities are not filled with refridgerated trucks acting as temporary morgues anymore, look at NYC mid 2020! and then find one temparary morgue today.... Not there.
Not dieing, was the whole point of the vaccine... get everyone in a state where they can get this thing every year but not die the first time, and they can slowly move to being able to brush it off as just another winter cold.

the problem is, that plan doesn't account for the fact that lots of people only need the slightest thing to push them over the edge into poor health and a bad outcome. It proved that we are all a lot less healthy than we and our governments and health systems thought...

but i do agree there is nothing like natural immunity.. its the best, but you have to survive in order to get it and the whole vaccine program is to achive that.

people who have flu jabs (all over 50s here where i live) still get flu.... same idea, and most don't die from it when they get it...

having had delta in 2020 and been pretty sick for 7 days i went down stairs to make a cup of coffee feeling awful
waited for the water to boil, 5 minutes, ate a chocolate biscuit and then on the way back up stairrs to my desk found myself whistling a tune.... it was like a switch had been switched and that point was the start of getting better.... 2 days later all ok apart from wierd sens of smell and taste issue for 6+ months

I don't think coffee and chocolate biscuits cured me... but you never know

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