LONG covid? COVID Pneumonia?

If dosage was the issue? Why not say that? Why not even acknowledge there is a human grade FDA approved version?

While I have the human grade version, you can easily dose the animal varieties using some simple math. The ONLY reason people were even taking the animal version is because they outlawed doctors from prescribing the human grade to people for off label use.

Trump never said to inject or drink bleach, another hoax. You can fact check that all day long.

If you don't know that ivermectin is effective in treating covid it's due to you not wanting to know. It's well documented. Here is a very good resource that will save you the hours some of us spent researching: www.c19ivm.org

You do not agree with the "idea" that you are more likely to get covid if you have a vaccine? It's not an idea. That what the data is showing. More positive cases are occurring among the vaccinated.

"and when you get it, it will be a version that wasn't included in the vaccine ,all of which were based on the version of covid from 2019, so little protection against catching new versions." So why then did they push for 4 boosters of the same ****?

"but i do agree there is nothing like natural immunity.. its the best, but you have to survive in order to get it and the whole vaccine program is to achieve that." At one point they wouldn't even acknowledge natural immunity, and to a large extent, still do not. You have to survive it? You make that sound difficult. 45% asymptomatic, 80% require no intentions and 99%+ survive on average. Depending on your age group, that 99% is essentially 100%.