Crime and cost of living in your area.

My wife is from Texas, and my oldest was born there. We both have family there. I can’t live in Texas, too damn hot and humid. I love to visit though, and some of the best food(not just BBQ) in the world.

She is from the Suburbs of Austin, it’s called Round Rock. It’s California prices now, and the crime has skyrocketed. 2 people very close to me have been attacked by homeless people within the past year. Remember this is not in Austin! Round Rock is in Williamson County, notoriously conservative.

Yes Round Rock is a burb of Austin. Expensive. Left wing at its finest. Not a political statement, just fact. Austin is where all the W. Coast folk move to.

If you hate heat and humidity, I guess Co.or Id. is where you will survive.

It was just mentioned Al., Carolinas. etc. NO way if you hate humidity.

Some of the hottest temps every year are in N. Ca. I guess you are from the cooler areas.