Crime and cost of living in your area.
Looks like you already have some good ideas but just wanted to say, don't bother with Colorado lol. I've been here 16 years and it's lost its charm particularly along the Front Range. Skyrocketing crime, homeless people, housing prices are not only ridiculous but just finding a house in the first place is almost impossible. One thing I liked is CO used to be in-between politically, some years red some years blue but after this last election it's clear what direction it's going (Kalifornia 2.0).
Last couple months I've been applying to jobs in Texas but haven't had much luck in finding the kind of job I want. Last week I started searching for jobs specifically on the type of position more than location, I just don't want to live in an expensive place with frigid winters so basically anywhere south of CO whether east, west or central. I used to put up with the cold here because of skiing but that's not very practical or affordable for me anymore and it's such a drag trying to wrench on my cars in a small cold-*** garage. Might come back here in the future but it'll be after I have money and it'll likely be on the Western Slope.