Crime and cost of living in your area.

Hey ! Don’t you be sending more people this way ! …lol
besides havent you been watching the news ? 4 students murdered in their sleep …

woman and new hubby kill her children then bury them in backyard and flee to Hawaii ( also suspected of killing both ex spouses and her brother) .

Missing 5 year old boys body found buried in neighbors back yard.
Plenty of crime in Idaho …..

Housing is outrageous ! Even in little remote towns . Pay is getting better now . You might even make $20/hr if you look hard .
Plenty of crime anywhere. Have you ever traveled out of your home state, stay in a hotel and watch the local news? its eerily similar to the news at home, same stuff happens everywhere, only the faces change...LOL! My philosphy has always been, when in areas of dense population, the freaks, nuts and fruitcakes stand out more... meaning you'll see more stupid dumb drug and alcohol related shenanigans than if you were way off the beaten path. my dream has always been to have a 3/4 mile driveway, and surrounded on all sides by natuarral barriers,hills,trees,ravines etc. where if someone is coming you'll know it fairly quickly. Another thing I've seen is people thrive off drama, life isn't that dramatic if you live it normally but people have to do dumb overly dramatic things like kill their kids and run off to mom used to just say "go outside and play" when she got tired of us carrying on...:)