Whats it worth

Sad story.
One point that I'll make is are you REALLY going to regret selling it in the long run?
I know that I have over the years for one reason or another have sold cars that I truly loved and now I can't afford to get them back.
It's different if it's life or death of course, about to be homeless, or if you truly don't want the car any more.

I hope you don't sell it.
(Beautiful car BTW)
Not life or death or homeless more of having enough money after getting out of debt to enjoy my retirement. I'm 66 and not sure how long of time I have being healthy and seeing other people work all there life retire and die or have bad health issues and stuck in bed there total retirement.
Getting rid of my car would be the hardest thing for me so I am kind of teetering back and forth on the issue.