Whats it worth

Fred I am 74 soon to be 75. I admit IF I had kept the $$$ on my brain all my life, I would be retired with more. But I have seen people all my life, all of it, that said they would work and one day retire and do all the things in life they always wanted to do. I had lots of my good friends, and some relatives die before age 60. So I did all, the things I wanted to do when I was young enough to do and enjoy it all.. I did it all.

My youngest daughter is 45. 15 years ago she had to have her large intestine removed and has to use that bag due to Chrone's Disease. She has 4 kids, works full time, looks like a model. Breaks my heart. But, she told me one day... life is about the quality and not the length. She knows her quality could be better, and it could also be worse... so she keeps on thinking positive thoughts. Life goes on.

Unless we retire with great investments/income retirement is hard. All us older guys understand that. Being debt free is a huge advantage to retirement. But all of us car guys have sold off cars we regret selling!!!!
Sorry to hear about your girl and glad she is not letting it get her down.
I agree and I have had a good life growing up and have 8 wonderful kids and 22 grand kids that I hang out with and do projects with so I'm not discontent.
Had to bail my youngest boy out of jail and pay for a lawyer for some stupid thing he did that in my day would not have been such a big deal.
SO I go back to work or sell one of my cars to stay afloat.
Should sell my daily driver and just stay home till spring and I would if I could get away with it.
I'll probably just go back to work for a year and get through this dip in the road I'm dealing with.