Kelsey-Hayes replacement
Arrived today from Autozone. $129.58 total.
The discoloration isn't corrosion, but some of that anti-rust schmutz they're coated with so they don't turn to dust in the salt air on the slow boat from China. They did come in plastic bags, but the bags were torn.
A quick check check with a tape shows them to match the dimensions Centric published for their rotors back when they were available. It's entirely possible they come from the same source.
Having at least one fewer machining steps, they're not as nice as the rotors I bought a while back, shown below. Hopefully the rough, as-cast portion won't rub on the calipers. If they do, they could be turned down a bit.
All sealed up in 2.5 gallon Ziplocs with a couple desiccant bags for good measure. Now to go in a sealed tote in my basement. It may seem like I'm hoarding, but my son wants my car when I'm done with it (dead). There's not much point in passing along a car to which maintenance parts are unavailable or unaffordable.