318 MAX fuel economy builds?

Rumblefish360. What are your thoughts on the Power aid 1" 4 hole spacer?

I have not used one. I read there claims. The thought process is interesting. But in most every case concerning spacers, I say try it and find out because you really don’t know if it works. When I say that, it falls into my most mentioned statement, “combo dependent.”

What I have learned for my combos over the years is sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t and I’m left scratching my head as to why. Sure, I can say a 4 hole spacer added torque and an open added top end HP, but this in general knowledge is known and works most of the time. It’s when it doesn’t.

Inside the intake manifold is utter chaos. Even though the cylinder firing order is constant. A single plane is the craziest and the bigger the plenum, the wilder it gets. But there out of the mileage manifolds IMO.

On the dual plane, things are more predictable and directional. We all get how the runners are divided up for that 180* firing order and each side gets turned on and off on the drawing of air and fuel from the carburetor. That said, considering the goal, the question of the picture spacer being better or not than a standard 4 hole spacer is something I can not predict.

Now on to read mpgmikes reply.