LONG covid? COVID Pneumonia?

I got it last July. Like a summer cold for about 3 weeks. Was never really bad. But then I started suffering symptoms of myocarditis and made a couple trips to er because of the severity of the symptoms. Didn't feel normal for about 8 months but am back to walking 6 miles 4-5 days a week. I was vaxed because I have always had higher than normal bp. Runs in the family. Still not back to the level of fitness I had before.
I had "something" last July. Head cold but I lost smell. I didn't get tested i figured why bother. I stayed home because it was obvious I was sick but I wasn't bed ridden. My coworkers would have fraked out and have the boss sent me home anyway LOL! The wife has been sick 3 times this last year and this last time it was over thanksgiving. she is still l coughing I havent caught it and Id figure i would Our house isnt that big but I have been staying away from her (which she doesnt like) LOL!