Stop in for a cup of coffee

:rofl: I never told the Navy Reserve I was transfering, I just did it and the air guard took care of it all. Crazy fast before the next Navy drill. They still want to debreif me from mt SCI clearance! :rofl::rofl:

People I was friends with actually called and congratulated me. The captain was a complete *** hole, and he lost his command since he did not do a security clearance debrief on me. Good for him he was a *** hole and had it out for me. I was supposed to get a 20K bonus for joining and he never signed the paperwork in time, and same thing with my E-6 advancement he never acknowledge my "points" from awards and I did not make the cut bu 1/4 point and I was maxed out at ten. Thank god I knew the rear admiral and he made it happen.