Stop in for a cup of coffee

Coasties tend to be really entrenched like the Guard I think..... Tough to get good choice assignments and most people are either scraping paint or dealing with idiot recreational boaters.
I was going to go Air Force initially but at the end of the day extremely happy with my Army career and all the stupid-idiot-get-you-killed stuff they paid me to do.
Thats the half that sweep the floors seriously. Get on a Cutter that has rescue capabilities its on. We had in NY each summer one of their Dauphine helicopters with crew and maintnance people. They were put up in a few beache homes in the Hamptons for lodging. And a ton of Peridium. No wonder why it was the same people every year. I tried getting into the USCG in Hawaii. Since I had more than four years in I was told I was untrainable in the USCG. Even as a Boatswain Mate!