The state of Colorado at it's finest

I still have a check at home somewhere from Harley Davidson for $0.01. It was a payment from some rewards incentive program we used to get. When a customer left a good review, you'd get a Happy Card scratcher and I got one for one penny.
I used my credit union at work the first couple years, they kind of screwed me-so I left 100.00 dollars in my account for 32 years, just to **** with them-all of the statements that they sent me.
I've hated USBank for years and when I finally get around to dumping them, this is the way but I'll leave $25 or less in there, just make sure they lose money. Can't let the fuckers make interest on it.
One thing I've done before to "some" companies(Bell)is setup payments in my online banking. I set up the "payment" for a nickel a week.
An accounting hassle for them.
Heres a statement I get every month lol

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Another great idea to stick it to em. What the hell are you doing for 13.45% interest? I want in on that!