Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning Monday MOPAR builders!!
Had a great weekend in Kansas City.
My buddy Ted former KC Chiefs player picked me up Saturday morning and I went with him to a local sporting goods store for a shop with a Chief.
I was the only non-Chief helping out.
Inner city kids with another players mentoring program each got a $150 gift card to spend.
We walked with them and a parent while they shopped all the way through checkout.
We had two young boys, brothers, polite well-mannered and a blast to be with.
One boy was trying to keep track of his selections to make sure he stayed within his $150. He really wanted a jersey and I told him to put it in the cart and we'd figure it out at checkout. We get to checkout, and he was $80 over. With a look on his face, he told his mom he'd put the jersey back. I told him no it's your lucky day and I paid the over for him and his brother.
Had a lot of fun met some football legends and Hall of Famers who thanked me for helping the kids out. Hey that's what it's all about!!