LONG covid? COVID Pneumonia?

These people truly are nuts. Anybody that put their name on that article should lose their license to practice any form of Medicine or to even walk in a straight line down the street. You talk about ignorance in motion. That article is just that.
If the dog hadn't stopped to lick his balls the car wouldn't have hit him
The whole country is full of people just like them. It all started when Obamacare reared its ugly head. You see... my family has a long history with the medical industry (and yes I called it an industry). Parents, grandparents... all were employees at a hospital at one point or another. So we had our fingers deep into the pulse of what was going on. Especially my mother.

And long story short... all the good doctors with experience immediately retired as soon as obamacare showed up. They saw the writing on the wall, and they noped the hell out of there. Replacing those doctors were a bunch of young bucks who couldn't find a stick in your foot if you pointed at it (I'm not joking, that really happened).

So now they're publishing papers that are basically a walking festering logical fallacy.