LONG covid? COVID Pneumonia?

Pretty well said... screw every country, other than America, and the reason is this: they get developing Nation status, under the UN climate accord, while the rest of us, get screwed! Used to be, people could get a job, at a Foundry, or machine shop, and You Could teach your kids a trade, maybe even make strong young men and women , working with metal, and other things!
These people flooding our border are coming from Latin America countries were life is lousy and dangerous
These people are desperate, they are literally starving. The problem as I see it is there is just so many off them
Id offer them temporary shelter but id train every able bodied men and women to defend themselves. Than id turn them loose and arm supply them to overthrow their own corrupt country
Let them deal with the crooked politicians, the drug dealers on their own terms
Let them set up a democratic government.
Than some of the goods we import from Communist China we could get from theses countries instead
Sure it sounds like a pipe dream but as of yet I haven't heard a better idea.