LONG covid? COVID Pneumonia?

TruthSeaker News... News specifcally for Truth Seakers? Who knew this existed...!
Do truth seakers not just watch the normal news? Or watch the normal news and think i don't agree and go and find out if their disagreement is waranted. Or do they just like their truth spoon fed by truth seaker news bcasue hey why would i need any other source when this is the truth.

if you think the governemt is out ta getcha here is something you will like. it will appeal to you, and help affirm your truth seeker belifes, and you know that will be the case from the first second.

TruthSeakerNews, come on.... that should be a big red flag, they have to remind you that this is the truth "HONEST IT IS" in the name of the show.

seocndly an edit of video clips without context, and then the producers view in caption and slides does not make for TRUTH, its just their veiw, with a nice montage of bits of video they found on the net with some royalty free music over the top....its not news.

and they can do this becasue they are not a regulated media outlet so can say what they want regardles of whether it is true or not, and there will be no comeback, legal, political or otherwise, until they push it too far and end up in court like that sandy hook denier Alex Jones.

Vaccines: they are not experimental vaccines if they have been tested and approved, and they have, everywhere, except a few arab states china and russia.

if you read the Pfizer documnet, that you would be given, when you are about to be jabbed, the potential side effects were recorded, you are given the option to change you mind there and then. The respobsibility for having side effects or no side effects is yours and yours only. if you have them you took the risk.

If the place where you get a vaccine administred, is on the ball, there would have been contact details for the yellow card scheme for recording new and intersting side effects, and the phone number for a local doctor or hospital.. better to get the view of both parties before takeing to Youtube as a now, ill informed famous australian reporter from channel 7 news.

why didn't truth seaker news include the documnet that came x 6 with every ampule of the vaccine in their truth video.

Any representative of a company that is a reasonably well known, a famous reporter for that company, could be asked to tone down their personal posts, if the post could bring the ogansition into disrepute, and quite rightly.
you can't represent the company unless its your job to. thats not out of the ordinary
I can't tell you where i work and as an employee i can't make use of the products and services of the company
I can't mention the company or what i do and if i wear my pass outside of the office i can be in trouble....this kind of action is not out of th ordinary.

Concentrating on the small minority who had side effects, damages the impact, the vaccine can have for the greater good of the rest of the population.

you have to ask why the US faired so badly with covid deaths, i'd be blameing truth seaker news.

Using Australian football show pundits as the the source of information and proof in a video is no better than using information from the bloke you met in bar last night....
1) they are outspoken
2) they are football pundits , if football pundits are qualified to comment on anything medical, when i need brain surgery i want that fella in the nice suit who gets a bit carried away when the team he actually does support, scores, yep i want him wielding the drill and the laser.
3) The interviewer asking about requests to withdraw statments seems to think concussion is a heart problem..wtf?

4) The people featured are famous, famous people and their illnesses make the news becasue they are famous.
its terrible when people have heart problems and die unexpectedly and it seems like a lot of them have. But there are a lot of people who do die unexpectedly from undiagnosed heart problems... they are just not famous. there is no imbalance between famous and not famous people dieing unexpectedly from heart problems, there is just a lot of people digging out unrelated deaths and assigning them to videos about vaccines.

5) you have a bunch of people in stressful position waitng to broadcast, fainting, and then unqualfied people speculating about what the issue was. Anyone who has stood in a hot school assembly hall waiting for the princepal to speak will have seen the same on a number of occasions..... nobody said oh must have been that measles vaccine they had when they were 6 months old.....
6) we've just gone through a pandemic where more of us have inteacted with the medical proffession than before and more regularly then ever before, maybe that means more cancer was diagnosed that would have gone undiagnosed. OR maybe it was undiagnosed becasue nobody wanted to go to a hospital full of covid, and diagnosis was delayed for 2 years, and that was 2 years too late. Hence a lot of people famous or not, are dieing from cancer who would not otherwise have died. Maybe if all the selfish unvaccinated hand't clogged up the hospitals sucking on ventilators then those with cancer could still be alive.

you can cut this anyway you like, which is the truth?
people were scared to go to hospital during covid even though they had noticed worrying changes thet could indciate cancer, and have subsequently died from cancer due to the delays in diagnosis (*horse)

or famous people who were vaccineted die of cancer becuse they had the vaccine (*zebra)

skin cancer from a vaccine? you get skin cancer from UV damage just ask a South African or Australian.

you know there is a saying

* When you hear the thunder of hooves approaching
its unlikley to be a zebra... (if you are a zoo keeper it might be....obvioulsy)

your choice of video is too zebra and not enough horse

Bravo ! !
Thank-you .
Season's Best .