Early A-body 90 degree oil filter adapter issue

The filter location should be the same on a 273 and your 318. To me, it looks like the angle that the filter points is way different between the 2 adapters in the lower pic. I never knew there were 2 different ones, so you taught me something new today! I had planned on putting my 273 down in my Barracuda temporarily to get the adapter pointed the right direction with the Dougs headers, torsion bar and frame rail.

When you do get it fitting like you want, buy a copper washer to go between the bolt head and the adapter housing. That's the only way I have ever made them not leak. Doing that, you can get the full 50 ft lbs of torque on it without smishing the little Mickey Mouse gasket they give you for that location. The other 2 survive fine. I think the length of the big bolt is different between an aluminum 90 degree adapter and a steel one, so check that too before you crank on it.