Saving 71 Demon...

Tore out the dash, going to restore it for the Demon.. Appears the dash harness is still pretty intact.. few things I have found and need to investigate. As the manual does not seem to depict demon or duster.. I am guessing barracuda or valiant wiring schem is used? Anyhow pic 1 it appears someone delivered power to pin 8 (oil) if valiant is what I am suppose to be using. Looking at the plug the wire that should go here is missing, the only thing cut near here is a violet/purple. Did not see it in the manual but was just glancing as I was tearing it down.

Steering column had an interesting fix, based again on a manual that does not depict duster/demon it appears white is brake? Anyhow again have not done much more than a quick glance at the manual to figure out what someone did here.. my concern is was this a possible solution to a problem elsewhere..


