David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Tell that to Tony Mamo @ Mamo Motorsports formerly from AFR Cylinder Heads who designs race heads with swirl.......You know the thingy that those shitty 302's do. Maybe go watch that Darren Morgan vid again where he talks about WHAT THE FUEL IS DOING.

New Product Launch....Mamo Motorsports 235 cc - LS1TECH - Camaro and Firebird Forum Discussion

Yeah You know more than he does........Only a clown would want an open chamber head..........The world has moved on from shitty large open chamber head designs maybe you should too.

Yeah who wants a small efficient port when you can have BIG ports that cause fuel separation. **** even the Ford guys fill in their 4V's..........

Once again you go off the deep end and make **** up.

You ASSume the small head is correct and the LARGE ahead isn’t.

The FACT is we are discussing the small block Chrysler. And you can’t get too big of a port on these engines. You can get bad ports, big and small.

As for the rest of the **** you posted who cares? I’ve seen and read what Darin Morgan says and like you do, you take his words and twist them.

Don’t make your failures someone else’s failures.