David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Yep there it is. You pull **** out of your arse and claim it as fact.

Go find your own project instead of bitching about David's........He can do whatever he likes.

You seem to be too obsessed with what other people are doing which tells me you need help. Go and get a life doing what ever makes YOU happy instead of chasing down people because they don't do things your way.
Yep there it is. You pull **** out of your arse and claim it as fact.

Go find your own project instead of bitching about David's........He can do whatever he likes.

You seem to be too obsessed with what other people are doing which tells me you need help. Go and get a life doing what ever makes YOU happy instead of chasing down people because they don't do things your way.

And yet here YOU are, living vicariously through a project that isn’t yours, in which you have no say and you defend this joke like its yours.

Its YOU who needs help.

Stop acting like this project is yours. Why not do something for yourself and post that here? Are you embarrassed of your own junk?

Either way, you are a sad little man.