Glass bead has its uses but doesn't provide enough "tooth" on the metal for my powders to last decades.

You might be surprised how many shops simply "blow it off" after blasting instead of actually washing parts. The amount of grunge in the sink that comes off with industrial cleaner and a scrub brush will let you realize just how much crap they're trapping under their paint or powder ... and the fact their work only lasted a few months is a mystery to them.

Welded oil baffles can trap blast residue so extra care needs to be taken. Bolted baffle plates and intake accessories / fittings are always removed first and cleaned separately.

Intakes often get washed in my bathtub -- seriously! -- to ensure it's immaculately scrubbed and rinsed.

Oil pans take some blasting but don't typically trap dust. You have a few minutes when working with porous aluminum but wet steel needs to be dried immediately to avoid flash rust.

Simply put, there is no such thing as parts that are too clean for refinishing. Do it now or suffer premature finish failure and possibly catastrophic engine issues as well.