David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Unless I misunderstood or am remembering wrong DV said in his first video about this build that it was not a build about HP/ $$$ spent. If you think that this build is about best hp/ dollar spent that would explain why it makes no sense to you. It wouldn't make sense to me either. But I don't believe that is what he said this build is about. I think that DV is wise enough to know that using a bbd 2 barrel is not a cost effective way to make HP. I do think that he finds that using the bbd 2 barrel and the other perimeters set out for this build both exciting and challenging. A fun departure from some of the same old builds he commonly does. In that spirit I'll watch and enjoy.

Wait, I’m not throwing DV or anyone else under the bus but this is NOT DV’s project. This abortion belongs to UT, who drug THREE other reputable people into this swirling cess pool.

UT said he was going to use STOCK PARTS and build 318 HP out of 318 inches.

Mission creep started when UT realized his alligator mouth overloaded his canary ***.

I know exactly what this project was supposed to be. And where it is now is nowhere close to what was said when it first started.

And even IF you aren’t on a budget, who in their right mind starts with a poor head and then port it? No one I know.