David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

302s will up compression and are a nice low buck bolt on but you still run into issues with the small ports if trying to get 300 plus Horsepower which is where this Vizard build is headed.
point is with 318s you always hit a wall with the port size of 318 heads. 308s have the 360 ports and same closed chamber . Folks can grind on 318 ports all they want they will never be the size of the 340/360 port so why not start with the real deal I think is the point...no need to an$wer I know why honestly anyone on a budget now in 2022 should find a magnum and build it...although i understand the heads, while an improvement over the LA 318 head crack its fairly common. Just my $.02 worth of drivel carry on...:)
308s are 360 heads that do Not have closed chambers.
