David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

A very knowledgeable local guy will build you an engine that's less cubes than a 318 has smaller valves than a 318 head with a head port volume around a 318 head that he says is an every day driver that will run mid to high 11's 1/4's @ 112-115 mph with a 3000 RPM converter and 3.5 gears @ a peak 6000 RPM.

That's probably in a car that weighs 3200 LBS so just under what a valiant weighs. To hazzard a guess the cam would most likely be a hydraulic and in the 220's for duration.

What you give an engine and what it uses are 2 vastly different realities.
All and good, but most are stuck with using what they can order out of a parts catalogue.