PSA for Christmas Day - Carbon Monoxide Detectors

My Christmas Day public service announcement. To all Grandparents, parents and single folks alike. If you don't have a Carbon Monoxide detector in your home get your *** out there tomorrow and buy one and if you do have one test it NOW. We were trying to contact our Daughter yesterday to find out what time they were coming over for Christmas Eve and what time to have supper ready and we couldn't get a response. Finally made contact with the son in law early into the afternoon we we able to find out they were at the hospital and had been since very early AM. THANKFULLY they had a CO detector and it went off, or the day wouldn't have been as happy as it was later in the day. Granddaughter spent 1/2 the day at the hospital on oxygen for CO poisoning, but it could have been a lot worse. Make sure your furnace vent pipes are clear, your furnace is running clean and for God's sake make sure your CO detector batteries are good! Theirs thankfully were! No way I want anyone missing something like this on Christmas morning!
