David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

I avoided the combustion chamber for the longest time because there was no going back from a mistake in the combustion chamber.
After i found the water jacket several times in this head and realized these head were never going back on anything. That is when i started to put a grinder above the bottom cut of the seat. a nice swooping affect in the combustion chamber was the ticket. but didn't react the same on the other ports.
all this talk about them heads, makes me want to pull them back out, and take a good look at them again. But then i will want to put them back on my bench and Drive my self insane again with them. but my flow bench need to get fixed first and 10 million other things in my life
I think PBR is right that its in the bowl because i was dead set on having a nice swooping bowl, so much so that i started to make a S shape from bowl up to the throat and seat out. which is kinda OK on PRP wall, but is a total disaster on the common wall of the port. and as i keep typing i keep thing about more thing that i know i was barking up the wrong tree.........Says my mind from the future, to one from the past...........:)
:poke::popcorn: Popcorn yummy....SQUIRREL!!!!,..................