David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Do better, with what they have, then you can blow your horn. Until then, you're just running your mouth as usual.
I have just one question and that is WHY?????, why would anyone try to do what they are doing?. If they want to do it fine for but for the time/money invested it's absolutely an exercise in inefficiency and what purpose does it serve?. I have built allot of 318s and have made more power efficiently and cheaper with a summit cam, stock heads and performer intake than they will if they stay on their current course so why do what they are doing?.

I will answer why, YOUTUBE and all the clicks it will bring that's why. You guys that think this is some technical/breaking of new ground need to build a few more 318s, this is for you tube popularity.