David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

This is the guy who is porting JUNK 302 castings for the “mission impossible” project and the guy getting screwed at every turn.

Ive watched all of his videos on this abortion. In this video he says he has 24 hours (thats TWENTY FOUR HOURS) in one casting.

And then DV says he wants to go to 5/16 stem valves!!! WTF? On a neutered, choked 318 you want to spend money on THAT? On a good day it may make power to 5k. Maybe.

This poor dude is getting cornholed. The goal posts move all the time.

Oh yeah, they want to start out with…wait for it…exhaust manifolds!!!

It has now become a sad event. I didn’t like it from the jump because they are doing **** that any guy who has been building engines for more than a couple of years KNOWS using junk heads as a starting point, then spending HOURS on stock connecting rods, and grinding the counter weights to shape them for an RPM limited engine.


I feel bad for Servedio. He needs to cut his losses and stop spending his time (money) and resources (money) for zero benefit to him.
Wasn't that 24 hours on one cylinder?