David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Did you see DV lighten up that stock rod. Wow that is a lot of hard work!!!!!
Let me enlighten you who don't under stand. yes that is FREE FREE FrEe!!!! but if you can't make all of them the same weight on the small end of the rod and the big end of the rod, it wont be balanced. So there is Why,
Way more time beyond what he showed, the requires more then a die grinder and your time.

And now here is were the "hidden" HUGE" $$$$$$ sign" come in to play. Because you don't just have the crank balance with a couple of holes driller in the counter weight.
You wait and see what that crank looks like when there done!!!!! And all that grinding and remove of metal YOU CAN't do. YOU will pay an exorbitant amount of money to the machine shop and the balance guy.

Now that i have went off on this rant:mob: I realize that my 408 stoker rod will come in lighter then the rods DV is doing and the piston will be close to the same weight as i my using........and the balance price was not that bad..............So I guess i'm talking out may ArSS again:realcrazy::lol: