David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Yep. I have a set of Scat I beams. Weight on the box is 582 g. A stock 318 rod weighs ~726 (early style) or ~758 g. That works out to about 5 or 6 ounces lighter (converted b/c oz. is easier for me to visualize than grams) for the Scat rods, plus I get cap screws instead of bolts, the sides are smooth out of the box, and they're ready to go. Paid $439 plus sales tax, picked them up same day.

I watched DV's video on the rod work, I don't think he took off anywhere close to 5 ounces, and if it took 30 minutes per rod and you had to pay someone to do the work, I'd be willing to bet that just the labor cost would be $400 just for the beam work. So cheaper AND better just to go with the Scat rods. However, if I was on a really tight budget and could do the work myself, I think modifying the stock rods would be a worthwhile improvement. Sure it would require the engine to be rebalanced, but so do the Scat rods.

I think the DV/AW build is interesting and I enjoy watching the videos. Even if I can't do everything they do, they show the thought process of what goes into improving an engine and making parts choices, instead of just calling different companies or posting questions on internet forums and going with whatever advice you're given. Heck, I even learn stuff from watching UT's videos sometimes (like what NOT to do :) ).
What part number did you use for the rods on the 318?