David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

He said he made a bunch of mistakes earlier. PLEASE explain to me how did he recover..?
I was under the impression that these heads don't have alot?/as-much? metal to remove as the typical 340/360 iron head.
Did he remove even more metal to fix his ?loss of swirl? and/or metal-removing which was ?in the wrong place?,
I get the impression from reading MoparOfficial's posts that this guy doesn't know what he is doing porting these particular heads compared to the Mopar porters that we "generally" know of. An impression, not a manifesto or attack.
I always wondered how Ryan at shadydell put 2.02's in those heads.
Couldn't our Mopar porters do better? like why isn't he putting in mopar 1.88" (or even magnum 1.92" and new valve guides) intake valves and 1.60" exhaust valves?
All the hours of porting, the stones used in valve jobs, that has to be more expensive than buying some common valves.
These guys' (head porters, DV, machine shop guys, etc.) time invested has to be worth more than even the youtube viewer payout.

I‘ll take a shot at this. Bakerlite is a big boy so I don’t speak for him. If he has something to add he is perfectly capable of do it.

I never said Servedio was making mistakes. Since I’ve been porting heads since 1988 I knew exactly what he was getting into. A ton of work for sure.

IMO, he could have made more air (and more power) with way less work. That was my big criticism of the whole project. That and they are changing up quite a bit of stuff from what UT originally laid out.

If you get the chance, watch all of the videos Servedio put on YouTube. Don’t forget to at least LIKE his videos when you watch or better yet, subscribe and LIKE. It helps get his content out there.

Anyway, watch his videos and see how he went about figuring out where the air was, where it wasn’t and how he got it to do what he wanted. He did damn good work and anyone can learn some things from him.

What impressed me the most (as I’m a HUGE advocate of steeper than 45 degree valve seats for most everything) was that Servedio spent the time to grind a 50 degree valve job on there and test it. And it‘s harder for him because he is doing it with a stone.

Its much easier, quicker and simpler to use a seat and guide machine or a mill to used a forming tool to cut the seats, doing all the cuts at the same time.

It looks like he’s never done a 50 before, or maybe not many and his results mirror mine. And he kept with it, chipping away here and there until he got some impressive numbers out of that casting.

My problem was never with doing the project. It was with what I knew what was coming and that was mission creep. And the sheer amount of time that was put into those heads.

I‘ve BTDT so I knew what was coming. I know I wouldn’t want to pay for the bill to port those heads.

His results speak for themselves and Servedio did a damn nice job. If it doesn’t make the power they want it won’t be because of his heads if they use them.