Mission Creep on a D-150

I got the vinyl sealed to the floor pan using Flex Tape. I secured the edge of the vinyl with the mounting screws and worked my way around the hole with strips of the tape. It's ugly, but it's watertight. This stuff is amazing, I hope the inventor is a gazillionaire - he deserves it.


Now it's a new year, and I have a new mantra, to Stop The Madness! I had a little talk with the man in the mirror, and the goon looking back at me pointed out that Mission Creep is a very efficient strangler of progress. Or at least that's true in my world. The latest example:

I needed to get the shifter top back on the new vinyl floor. Previously it was held in place with some sheet metal screws. I can do better than that, sez me to me. Besides, with the sound deadener, padding, and vinyl the shifter top didn't fit like it used to. Kinda like the Johnny Cash song where they tried to mount the transmission to the engine but all the holes were gone. (In the background, the Mission Creep Monkey yawns, stretches, and gets ready to bugger up another day.) So I get a set of rivnuts to install on the floor pan for the shifter top. And that kicks off way too much wasted time figuring out the best way to do that since the flooring is in the way for the install tool, and I don't want to take out the flooring, and I don't want to cut big holes in the vinyl for access since the edge of the topper is close to the mounting holes. Much mental gymnastics later and I decide this project has to get wrapped up, so I solve the problem with........sheet metal screws. Drilled new holes, sealed up the old holes, and the shifter is in place except for the top boot that needs the right screws to install. Somehow I lost those screws so it's off to Ace for a rescue trip.


I was going to clean up the shifter but I put its nasty little self back in as it was to get this thing on the street. It was shifting fine anyway, so I can work on that another time. The seat and seat belts go in today and I should be driving it tomorrow. Haha, or so I think. Let's hope Mr. Murphy snoozes through this project long enough for me to go for a drive.