David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

I have 302 heads, but I'm not going to port them. However, if somebody could get there for 900 bucks, then it may be a thought in the process if somebody was building an engine.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Servedio has at least 24 hours (thats the last number I heard) in developing what he has.

Like I have said from the jump, even with 240 CFM a 3k-port sized head with a 1.88 valve and a 50 degree seat and MINOR blending will blow the doors off of those 302 castings.

It won’t be close.

I got an email from my mentor and friend last night that had an 80 some page pdf attachment on GM flow testing and their tools and procedures for developing cylinder heads.

Its a great read. You’d be surprised how wrong some stuff is that gets played as proper cylinder head development.