David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Heard that argument years ago from a guy I know who does heads. He now has a CNC machine..
He said porting heads the old way was like sweeping a floor with tooth brush and rolling around in the mess while your doing it. The machine does the bulk of the work quicker, has a database of "what works", he's able to map other peoples work for comparison and all he does is a tidy up, if needed.
Look at CNC hones, way quicker turn around time, less block heating, better surface finish and a 16 year old kid could use one.

You sure are worried about how we do the job for a guy that pays to have the job done. As a customer you have the option of how you want to spend your money. I just got another job today so I’m getting enough to make me happy. I do know my overhead costs are in the range I’m comfortable with. Lol